domingo, 15 de março de 2009

Evidências que você pode usar # 1

"Share your secrets"

Flip your 80:20 rule for keeping secrets. Instead of classifying 80% of your information, aim at classifying only 20%. Most of the secrets you keep no one would bother reading even if you delivered them with the morning newspaper.

Scott Johnson,TV Test SW Engineering, not speaking for Tektronix:
Such things as industrial espionage -- and employee theft -- still occur, so suggesting that companies disregard physical (or electronic security) in the name of openness may be wrong-headed. Security should be proportionate to the risks; no more and no less. And security should be limited in scope to what is necessary to prevent theft of property (tangible or intellectual) — NOT to stifle legitimate conversation with markets.

Historiadores, eis um grande desafio: compartilhar suas pesquisas, seus segredos. E não quando os textos estiverem prontos e exaustivamente discutidos em fóruns e congressos de história. Significa compartilhar a pesquisa no momento em que ela estiver sendo produzida para que outros historiadores e outros amadores interfiram e soltem outras versões beta do que está sendo pesquisado. 

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